You know ’em. Tribal cybernetic heroes that washed up in metal pills to save an island spirit from cancer. That’s right… it’s BIONICLE!
These plastic marvels from the early 2000’s once saved The LEGO Group from a 10-year financial crisis. And now, I’m painting them. For fun. Because it’s cool.
Where are these custom masks and figures now? Auctioned online to Bionicle fans worldwide. (Oh yeah. I’ve shipped to Canada, Europe, and Austrailia. BIONICLE FANS HAVE OVERTAKEN THE MODERN WORLD.)
Learn more about Lego Bionicle here:
In case I didn’t make it clear, all the figures and masks below were made by LEGO, and painted by Eden Sanders. Yours truly. (That’s me.)
Masks and figures sorted in no particular order.
“Harking from the Land of Liberty, this full metal Toa patriot is a true cold blooded warrior. Wielding a combat axe, assault rifle and an iron resolve, he will stop at nothing until justice and freedom are eternally secured.”
USMC Lewa custom Bionicle by Eden Sanders
Nightmare Tahu
“Plagued by visions of death and destruction, this corrupted Toa warrior has succumbed to the vile evil of The Makuta. Unable to sleep, unable to feel, this fallen hero is doomed to forever wander the night, striking terror into the hearts of any that crosses his path.”
Nightmare Tahu Bionicle custom by Eden Sanders Nightmare Tahu Bionicle custom by Eden Sanders Nightmare Tahu Bionicle custom by Eden Sanders Nightmare Tahu Bionicle custom by Eden Sanders Nightmare Tahu Bionicle custom by Eden Sanders Nightmare Tahu Bionicle custom by Eden Sanders Nightmare Tahu Bionicle custom by Eden Sanders
The Muzona Guardians
Meet Kehruk, Napongo, and Pimku: The Muzona Guardians! (Characters from the Bionicle fan comic series “Reminiscence”)
Construction and design were done by MOC master @jayfa_mocs , mask 3D modeling was done by @biono_c4 , and mask printing by Tony Velocity. Character design and painting was done by Eden Sanders.
The Muzona Guardians Napongo, of the Muzona Guardians Napongo, of the Muzona Guardians Pimku, of the Muzona Guardians Kehruk, of the Muzona Guardians Kehruk, of the Muzona Guardians Kehruk, of the Muzona Guardians
JEA Avohkii
“During the Great Wars, counterfeit casts of the Mask of Light were forged in an attempt to replicate its power. Though these copycats failed, the surviving copies were bartered to soldiers who bore them in battle to intimidate and trick their foes.”
Abyssal Kaukau:
“Salvaged from a wreck in the darkest trench of the sea, this Kanohi can create typhoons of such grandeur that oceans have been drained and the land turned to sea under its influence.”
Ancient Mask of Light:
Ancient Relic Miru Nuva
Android Kaukau
“Composed of advanced cybernetic elements, this Kanohi grants its user the ability to strategically pinpoint an opponent’s weakness and exploit it.”
Ashen Hau
The first Bionicle mask I ever customized. I still regret selling it…
Etsy Masks
Atlantian Mahiki
Biohazard Kakama
“This mask grants the user to absorb and unleash nuclear energy; but is generally only wielded by corrupted warriors due to its erratic radioactive poisoning. “
Biohazard Kaukau
“This mask grants the user to absorb and unleash nuclear energy; but is generally only wielded by corrupted warriors due to its erratic radioactive poisoning. “
Biohazard Metru Huna & Armor
“Corrupted by years of radioactivity, this mask grants its user the power to absorb and unleash nuclear energy; but can only be wielded by extremely resilient warriors due to its constant radioactive toxicity.”
Braveheart Kakama Nuva & Hau Nuva
“Found on the shores of a war-stricken land, this mask empowers it’s user with stalwart bravery and courage. “
“Once a vicious Rahi held captive under the will of Makuta, CoreGrex escaped captivity and retreated to the hollow of the mountains, claiming the chasms within as his own. Even after a century of isolation, he continues to stand guard over his caverns, ever watching, ever waiting.”
Cyberpunk Kopaka
“Fighting against oppressive overlords in an alternate technological dimension, Cyberpunk Kopaka stealthily leaps through alleyways, using both shadows and fear as his weapons. His Cyber-Kanohi allows him to see electrical currents flowing through the ground, creatures, and even the sky.”
Death Rust Huna
“Once a Noble Huna, this mask and accompanying shield were lost to decay in the barren landscapes of Mata Nui. Over time the mask corrupted, increasing its power, but at a terrible cost. Any Toa wielding this mask and shield gains ghost-like concealment; but the longer the mask is worn, the shorter the user’s lifespan dwindles. “
“Tempered by the fires of hell, this ancient battle mask grants the ability to strike dreaded fear into demons and other servants of evil.”
Dreadnaut Rahkshi
“Half monster, half soldier, this genetically engineered beast was bred to be the ultimate intelligent predator, but ultimately escaped his captors and joined The Dreadnauts, an elite squad of ruthless scoundrels opposing both Mata Nui and Makuta. ‘DREADNAUTS NEVER DIE!’ “
Dreadnaut Tahu
“Seeking a more nefarious way to defeat his enemies, Tahu joined The Dreadnauts, a secret clan of scoundrels that take vengeance into their own hands. DREADNAUTS NEVER DIE!” “Even Toa go through grunge phases; don’t judge.”
EVA-01 Matatu
“Once worn by the pilot of a great war machine, this Kanohi mask grants its user heightened agility and temperance.”
Golden Mask of Light
Golden Pakari
Green Tea Miru
Industrial Pakari
Infected Hau
Matoran Makuta (Teridax)
Molten Hau
“Forged deep within the core of a flaming planet, this volatile Kanohi grants it’s user continent-crushing volcanic power. Due to its highly unstable nature, most warriors dare never use it for fear of cataclysmic destruction.”
Moon Hunter Bohrok
“Just as the night grants homestead to The Moon Knights, so also does the darkness breed evil. This Bohrok has been transformed into a demon of the crescent moon, ambushing its prey before vanishing into the twilight.”
Moon Knight Lewa
“Legend whispers of mysterious reflections cast by the most noble Toa warriors, luminous counterparts that conceal themselves between heaven and earth. These ‘Moon Knights’ are rarely seen, only revealing themselves for moments before vanishing into the space between day and night.”
Purge Mahiki
“Once a noble Kanohi, now corrupted and cursed, this mask eliminates all sense of morality, allowing its user to commit all manner of foul deeds without any remorse.”
Rust-Blasted Kakama Nuva
“Recovered from a wreckage deep in the desert, this Kanohi grants its user the power of unbridled corrosion and corruption. Wearers of this mask risk great affliction to themselves over long periods of use.”
Scarab Bohrok
“In the dry deserts of Mata Nui reside a rare species of Bohrok. Wiser and more nimble than their kin, they scour the sand in search of gold and treasures, which they zealously hoard in deep underground caverns.”
Shanghai Miru
Spooky Pakari
“Found in the tomb of a nefarious Toa necromancer, this decrepit Kanohi grants its user to raise the undead and command the legions of darkness.”
Sub-Zero Akaku
“Thawed from a glacier older than the planet itself, this Kanohi’s ability to freeze objects is so potent that it was the sole cause of the island’s most severe ice age.”
Tundra Vanguard Akaku
USMC Akaku
USMC Avohkii Phantoka
USMC Kopaka
War does not determine who is right. Only who is left.