This is a LEGO Bionicle fan comic series named “Reminiscence”, a recollection and celebration of great stories that have long since past. It follows the misadventures of three matoran outcasts: Napongo, Kehruk, and Pimku. Their tale takes place in the background of ‘Generation 1’ of the Lego Bionicle series, trailing behind the original 6 Toa Mata as they scour the island of Mata Nui for the lost Kanohi Masks.
Learn more about LEGO Bionicle here:
Comic issues of this series are available at:
Issue 1: The Muzona Glacier

“Kehruk, Pimku, and Napongo have been defending a long forgotten glacial outpost where the only danger is dying of boredom. Now, they’ll have to fight for survival when an unexpected visitor arrives and threatens the safety of the entire valley. “
Issue 2: The Muzona Fallout, Part 1

“The Muzona Glacier has been destroyed, but the troubles of the Muzona Guardians are far from over. Kehruk, Napongo, and Pimku’s blunderous heroism has branded them as public enemies, from the icy slopes of Ko-Koro all the way to the dark beaches of Ga-Wahi. Can Napongo safely lead his friends out of troubled waters, or will the matoran he’s sworn to protect do them in for good?”
Issue 3: The Muzona Fallout, Part 2

“Pimku has predicted that the village of Ga-Wahi will be destroyed, and it’s up to Napongo and Kehruk to clear her name. But the journey to save their friend is riddled with unexpected turns; they stumble upon an ancient mask of power, confront an agitated Toa of fire, and ultimately face a merciless beast that could bring Pimku’s prophecy to deadly fruition. Can the Muzona Guardians once again pull through to save the day, or has their luck finally ran out?”
More comic issues are coming soon! Check for news updates at:
Issue 3: The Muzona Fallout, Part 2

“The Muzona Guardians have been forced to live as nomads, wandering the expansive island of Mata Nui in search of a new home. Their tame excursion goes south when an encounter with a raving drunk and his skittish steed sends them all into a forgotten underworld
Lost and alone, they discover an ancient evil that has been brooding in hibernation; one false move and they will all be lost to devastation. To escape this alien hell-hole, our heroes must awaken an impossible power within themselves… or else fall into darkness.”
The Muzona Guardians Figures
These custom LEGO Bionicle figures were a large collaborative effort. Original concept by Eden Sanders, construction by Jayfa , mask 3D modeling by Delia Lopez , and mask 3D printing by Tony Velocity. Instructions to build these MOCs for yourself are available here:

Muzona Guardian Mask Pack Download

Download from the shop here
Fan Art Gallery
The Bionicle community is the best, isn’t it? Here is a collection of fan art and fan builds of our favorite Muzona heroes.

Bionicle Inspired Merch
Want to experience more BIONICLE inspired fan merch? Check out our shirt shop here: or our ART PRINT shop here: